Between Birds of Prey #101 – Watery World

Tonight, the new episode of Between Birds of Prey is a musical journey through a watery world… This musical journey consists of two hours of music, that start with a bit of dark ambient, representing the deep water sub-world and proceed through more calmly waters, filled with mythological figures, and ending in perfect symbiosis with…

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Between Birds of Prey #100 – And the Silence Thereafter

For episode 100 of Between Birds of Prey, I decided to create an episode about silence and its influence in music. With this in mind, the following two hours of music, have been chosen. They start with three songs of an unquiet silence changing progressively to a more peaceful and relaxing silence, ending, although, with…

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Between Birds of Prey #99 – Beyond the Veil of Sleep

This week’s episode of Between Birds of Prey is a musical journey beyond the veil of sleep. The playlist and audio are as follows: Kammarheit – Dreamhours (Asleep and Well Hidden) Lustmord – Dreams Of Dead Names (Paradise Disowned) Atrium Carceri – Monolith of Dreams (Kapnobatai) H.E.R.R. – Act 2: Lucifer’s Dream (Vondel’s Lucifer First…

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Between Birds of Prey #98 – Exorcism

This episode of Between Birds of Prey is a musical exploration of an exorcism. Here is the audio and playlist for tonight: Michael Wandmacher – The Chapel (The Last Exorcism, Part II) Brian Tyler – Confession (Constantine) K100 – They Tell Me About Their Darkness (The Vault Of Apparitions) Worrytrain – Exorcism for Cello and…

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