Between Birds of Prey #117 – The Art of the Piano

In this episode we will explore the piano as one of the most influential musical instruments in the history of music. The playlist and audio are as following: Erik Satie – Nocturne I (Apre`s la pluie) Erik Satie – Gymnopédie n.º 1 (Gymnopédies) Beethoven, Ludwig van – Sonata for Piano No. 14 in C sharp…

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Between Birds of Prey #116 – The Sacred and the Profane

In this week we will focus on the dichotomy between the sacred and the profane as a central part in religion. Man becomes aware of the sacred because it manifests itself, shows itself, as something wholly different from the profane… something sacred shows itself to us… something of a wholly different order, a reality that…

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Between Birds of Prey #115 – The Call of Cthulhu

In this week we will make a tribute to the writer H. P. Lovecraft, who died in the 15th of March, 1937. We’ll have a lof of songs inspired by H.P. Lovecraft works, so why won’t you grab one of his short stories and get ready for two hours of lovecraftian ambiance? What do we…

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Between Birds of Prey #114 – The Other Side of the Night

This week we will make a tribute to the film noir genre. We propose a musical journey that will take us into the heart of the ambiance present in this kind of movies. The audio and playlist are as follows: Dale Cooper Quartet & the Dictaphones – Lui Hall (Parole de Navarre) Heroin and Your…

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