Category: Programs

Between Birds of Prey #161 – A Song of Ice and Fire

This week we have an episode dedicated to the series of novels “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R. R. Margin – We have a playlist of selected songs from the soundtracks of the first 4 seasons of the tv adaptation of the books. Ramin Djawadi – Main Title (Game of Thrones)…

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Between Birds of Prey #160 – Poetry Echoes Still

As a tribute to the Portuguese poet Herberto Hélder, today we have an episode of Between Birds of Prey dedicated to the art of poetry. Herberto Hélder – -, who died at the age of 84, was one of the most important poets of the 20th century in Portugal. With no further ado, here…

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Between Birds of Prey #159 – The Ides of March

In the past 15th of March, known for the Romans as the Ides of March, it was 2059 years after Julius Caesar assassination, so this week we have an episode dedicated to the Roman civilisation. Musica Romana – Hymnus an Helios (Pugnate) Musica Romana – Hymnus Dianae (Pugnate) Synaulia – Symphoniaci (Music From Ancient Rome,…

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Between Birds of Prey #158 – The Seer

This episode of Between Birds of Prey, named The Seer, takes inspiration from prophets and visionaries. Barbarossa Umtrunk – La Prophetie (Scontrum Act V) Arcana – in search of the divine (Le Serpent Rouge) Adam Hurst – Vision Obscured (From Silence) Myrmyr – First Seed (The Amber Sea) Amber Asylum – Looking Glass (The Natural Philosophy…

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