Tag: empire

Between Birds of Prey #178 – Pax Romana

The first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus died on this day in 14 AD, so this week we take inspiration from his 45 years of sole ruling to create a playlist about Rome entitled “Pax Romana”. Aram Khachaturian – Spartacus and Phrygia – Adagio (Spartacus and Phrygia) Beethoven, Ludwig van – Coriolanus, E Min Op 62 Overture…

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Between Birds of Prey #174 – Alexander the Great

This week we celebrate the life and achievements of one of the greatest figures in the history of mankind: Alexander the Great, who was born in the 20th or the 21st of July 356BC. “Know ye not that the end and object of conquest is to avoid doing the same thing as the conquered?” As…

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